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Spring Lake Rules

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New and old members please read the following information. All club members are expected to adhere to the following when using the club’s property on Spring Lake. We have been a good member of the Spring Lake community for over 67 years and a number of recent incidents have not shown our members in a good light. We need to ensure our actions do not jeopardize our good relationship with the other residents of the Spring Lake community.


Waterfront access to Spring Lake is limited. The club maintains two properties on the north end of Spring Lake. Vehicle access to the lake is through a locked gate on Water Crescent Road . Members who renew their annual membership are provided with an access code which is not to be shared. Ensure the lock is securely closed by compressing the clamp and spinning the numbers. Do not allow other vehicles access on your entry.

Foot access is available through the property with the shelter and washroom facilities located two properties to the east.

Membership DOES NOT provide you with access to Spring Lake Resort, the only other vehicle accessible launch on the lake.

Dock and Launch area

Members can drive to the dock and boat storage area to unload gear and boats. Boats should be launched beside the dock. This is the only area owned by the club.

Once equipment has been offloaded ALL vehicles (other than handicap permitted vehicles) MUST park near the shelter where signs indicate.

Boats may be left on the racks but require a boat sticker that will be provided with membership.

Please keep our impact on the areaj to a minimum. Watch where you drive when its muddy. Only use the trail to the dock and from the dock to the shelter. Do not short cut across the common. Take all garbage home with you.


This maintained by club members. If something needs attention contact the executive or fix it.

The toilet facilities are basic and located on the north side of the building at the base of the stairs. Bring your own toilet paper . The porta potty has been removed from the dock area.

There is a BBQ but propane is not provided.

Fires can be lit in the fireplace in the structure but must be small and extinguished when you leave.

There is no water on site.

Community Rules

No open fires .

No camping on our property or other community lands.

Take all garbage home

Enjoy the opportunity to have lake access and leave our property as good or better than you found it.

Not following the rules will risk losing access for all members to the lake and your membership.

Tight Lines
Paul L