SPRING LAKE: located approx. 40km west of Edmonton centre. Walk-in access only unless you are a member of ETFC or are staying at the Spring Lake Village campground. The lake is aerated by the club with the loan of equipment from ACA.
Species: Rainbow Trout, Brown Trout. Tiger Trout
Regulations: Open Year Round – 5 trout in total
Additional Information:

The Club owns two properties at Spring Lake:
675 Lakeside Drive is an empty lot with a locked gate through which club members who have obtained gate access can use. This access allows drive-through from the road to the club shelter, pier and boat storage area. Boats are stored at Members’ own risk.
670 Lakeside Drive is open with a grassy area adjacent to the road where members may camp. From this there are steps leading down to the club’s shelter, swings and washroom.
Members using the property are asked to abide by the Club Property Rules as follows:
Club members are permitted to store a boat at the dock area due east of the club
property at Spring Lake, although the Club assumes no liability for any loss or
damage that may occur. Fortunately this has not been a problem to date. All
that’s required is to register your boat by requesting a boat sticker when you
renew your membership or as soon as possible thereafter They are totally free
and serve a few different functions. Each is individually numbered so the club can
reference which member belongs to which sticker and thus, which boat. This
allows us to identify which of the boats in the dock area are owned by current
members and, as each sticker is unique, will allow us to contact you directly if any
problems arise.
Please place the sticker on the side of the boat below the gunwales so it is visible
on or off the water. Storing oars or other easily portable items under or near the
boat is not recommended. Some room is available in the area to chain a boat to a
metal structure. Boats stored at the lake without stickers will be assumed to
belong to non-members.
If you have a boat stored at the lake and it has not been used for some time
please consider removing it so we can reduce the number of items on site.