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Jason Doucette-Competition Fly Fishing

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Tuesday, January 3, 2017 – Regular Club MeetingOur guest speaker for this evening will be Jason Doucette and he will speak on “Competition Fly Fishing”. Jason is an accomplished competitive fly angler who has competed on the local and international level. He is also the founding member of the North Central Fly Fishing League.


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The Annual ETFC Christmas Brunch

Executive Royal Inn 10010 – 178 St. Edmonton
Emerald Room A
December 11, 2016
10:30 until 2:00 pm

This is a great event put together by Ron Sohnle and is a fantastic place for members to get to know one another or catch up with old friends. This is also a terrific opportunity for new members to meet other club members.  Not only is there a fantastic selection of delicious food there are door prizes and raffle prizes to be won for kids and adults alike. We are also accepting donations for the door and raffle prizes.

The cost is $30 per person for adults, $28 for seniors ages 60+, $16 for kids ages 6-15 and free for kids 5 and under.

There is a limited number of seats available so be sure to get your registration form and payment to Ron Sohnle ASAP to reserve your spot. Please follow the payment instructions on the registration form or call Ron at 780-469-8614 for more information.

Please click on this  link to print your registration form