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ETFC Annual Member’s Night (Pot-Luck)

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Location: Queen Mary Park Hall, 117St & 109Ave Pot Luck Buffet;
Invited Speaker: All members are asked to bring photos videos and stories to share.
Topic: Fishing Stories – Along with the regular business meeting components, this meeting is when we get to thank the outgoing Executive and welcome in the new Executive and the passing of the gavel. Club trophies will also be presented.

There will be a Members Night Pot-Luck Buffet, as in previous years members are requested to bring contributions for the food and dessert tables. As usual the club will be providing buns, cold cuts, pickles, condiments and beverages. (Please contact the club if you are unsure what to bring)

Troy Furukawa – ACA

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Tuesday, May 2 – ETFC Regular Club Meeting: 7 pm to 9 pm
Location: Queen Mary Park Hall, 117St & 109Ave
Invited Speaker: Troy Furukawa
Topic: Troy is a biologist and has been with the Alberta Conservation Association for a number of years and will be coming to talk to us about lake aeration for the stocked trout lakes in Alberta.