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FlyCaster November 2023

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It’s been a while since you’ve received an update from the club, but communications are now up and running again with the latest news! Our goal is to ensure that future newsletters are sent out on the first of every month. Suggestions, articles, fishing reports gratefully accepted at

Club meeting -TUESDAY Nov. 21ST 7:00PM

At Queen Mary Park Community Hall,  117 St. and 108 Ave. There’s a lot to update everyone on including a name change to the organization we’re affiliated with, the status of the aeration of Spring Lake, some changes to our membership fee and meeting place, information on some great guest speakers for the new year, a possible party, and more. That will be followed up by a demonstration of and tips for fishing one of the most effective flies for catching big rainbows, browns, and tigers at Spring Lake throughout spring, summer. and fall, and even (though with a different type of rod or no rod at all) through the ice! Our Co-President, Chuck Harvey, will demonstrate the tying of those flies and spill some of the secrets on fishing them that he’s been keeping to himself for the last few years!

Future meeting dates

Put these dates in your diary: Nov 21; Jan 9:  Feb 13:  Mar 12:  Apr 9:  May 14.  – all are Tuesdays and all start at 7pm

Aeration of Spring Lake

Following the decision of ACA to cease aerating the lake due to the minimal public access available, the club has taken on that work, at least for the coming winter. All the equipment and fencing  has been loaned to the ETFC by ACA and their technical support and advice will be available to us.    

  • Phase 1:  –  With the help and instruction  of ACA staff we installed the pumps, pontoons, and power on October 3.   All went well with huge thanks to Michael, Randy, Gaetan, Marty, Ron, and Larry.
  • Phase 2: – Installation of fence, warning signs etc. will be done once there is 4 inches of solid ice

We need club member volunteers to help out with phase 2. If able to, or if you have any questions, please phone Larry Campbell at 780-995-1550.

We have made it clear to the Spring Lake Village Council that ETFC will not be able to continue aerating the lake beyond this winter unless the electrical costs become the full responsibility of the Village.

Also, please discourage anyone from fishing in the open water created by the aeration! Not only is the ice weaker and you are more at risk, but fishing line can become sucked in by and entangled in the motors. Repair work in winter we don’t need! If you do notice fewer than 4 pumps working, please let Larry know.

Fisheries Initiatives

One of ETFC’s objectives is to support the work of the Alberta Fish and Game Association (now officially known as the Alberta Wildlife Federation). Our parent organization has established a list of Fisheries Objectives, ‘What Needs to Change”, for which it will be advocating. We need  your input and advice on what we, ETFC, can do to help those changes occur. Please email your thoughts, comments, ideas etc. to   We’ll summarize them (anonymously if requested) and report back in the next newsletter.

AFGA’s  ‘What Needs To Change’  

Comments in italics are initial thoughts from the executive on what ETFC has and would likely be willing to continue doing in support:

1. Meaningful input including defined role in decision making

a. Formation of a fisheries commission     ETFC will volunteer a representative.

i. Stakeholder forum    ETFC will take part.

ii. Science informing but not controlling decision making.

b. Eliminate current one-way structured fisheries engagement session that occur in January of each year.

i. Development of regional input sessions involving stakeholders and government  ETFC will offer input and representatives.

2. Habitat Priority Entrenched

a. Integrated approach across governments, industry and society that leads to a “no net loss” of habitat.

3. Water Management

a. Ensure optimal flows for fish (environmental flows) in tailwaters below reservoirs.

b. Manage Alberta reservoirs volumes to ensure that fish habitat is not degraded or destroyed.

c. Develop landscape level water management plans to maintain and restore fish habitat.

d. Stabilize lake levels using weirs and other structures.

4. Ecosystem Based Management Approach Developed

a. Move away from single species metrics based on short timelines.

b. Accept that over time populations of species change due to multiple dynamics.

c. Manage on basis of long-term trend analysis not short-term shifts in population.

5. Sportfishing Regulation Simplification

a. Remove redundant regulations     ETFC will identify and suggest such regulations together with a rational for their possible removal.

 b. Reduce regulatory harvest options.

c. Default regulation for northern pike and walleye be one fish supported by a standard harvest slot on all waterbodies except where meaningful consultations have identified a defined fisheries management objective. 

d. Zero harvest eliminated except for species at risk or when a defined fisheries management objective developed through meaningful consultations.

e. Move to species seasons rather than waterbody closures.

f. Reformat of tables to only identify non-default regulations.

g. Develop a useful sportfishing app  ETFC will offer to provide stakeholder feedback on proposed components.

6. Angling Opportunity

a. Increase number of species available for stocking including cool water species such as channel catfish and tiger muskellunge.

b. Enhanced stocking of southern Alberta reservoirs and tail-waters

c. Yellow perch and other species re-introductions quickly following winterkill or to create new sportfishing opportunities.

d. Walleye stocking program reviewed to define objective that identifies supplemental stocking, expand use of portable incubators and rearing ponds, stocking rates increased to North American standards, volunteers used to deliver components of program.

e. Increase access for shore-based anglers at lakes and streams ETFC will actively advocate for this at Spring Lake (Parkland) and where needed at other Edmonton area fisheries.

7. Angling License ETFC will advocate with regulatory authorities for a, b, and c. and with the understanding that any increase in revenues will revert to the Alberta Conservation Association

a. Review of current licence cost

b. Implementation of a discounted senior’s licence

c. Consideration of a youth licence

8. Angler Education

a. Adoption of a similar program and requirement as for hunting

b. Base on an incentive and graduated approach to implement

c. Increase overall fisheries knowledge across sportfishing community. ETFC will consider ways to help achieve this initiative.

9. Angler Recruitment

a. Decline of angler numbers must be reversed. ETFC will help publicize the recreational, social and health benefits of recreational angling.

Muir Signs

Cracks in the plexiglass covering a number of the Education and Alberta Angler Walk of Fame signs that were installed at Muir Lake (with funding from ETFC, Northern Lights Fly Fishers and the Edmonton Old Timers Fishing Club) resulted in some water damage in early summer. Lil Johns Sign Shop has reprinted the graphics, ordered a stronger plexiglass, and plans to have the repairs done (under warranty) by the time you receive this newsletter.