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April Flycaster

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Spring clean up and general information

If you haven’t already done so please take a moment to renew your ETFC membership for 2021, Membership renewals are due by Jan 31! (typically Dec 31 but extended this year)
For more information please contact

Paul Lanteigne

Spring clean up at Spring Lake

We have a lawnmower on site behind the BBQ pit, please feel free to use it and top up the fuel and check the oil.

Due to covid -19 restrictions a general work party will not be held this spring but the cleanup is needed. The following list of items need to be done and we are asking for volunteers to tack on some time at the start or end of a fishing trip or to make a specific trip to get the completed. Take some tools (rakes, shears, lawnmower, axes/saw) and garbage bags so we ensure the fire safety of the site and clean it up as a good neighbour. We CAN NOT burn so all trash and bagged material will need to be removed when you leave

Send me an email or phone before you plan on going out and after you return so I can keep the list current.

At the building site:

  • Pick up branches near the structure and stack on the woodpile near the trees
  • Bag and remove any litter or garbage
  • Rake and bag the leaves in and around the building
  • Clean the outhouse at the back of the building. Toilet paper should be bagged to keep dry and club will re-imburse the cost
  • Cut the lawn from building out to posts marking parking area. It can be mulched

At the lake side:

  • Trim bushes along walk way, bulletin board and boat racks
  • Pickup any garbage; bag and remove
  • Cut grass around boats that are on the racks and bulletin board
  • If you see other things that need to be done let me know

Thanks for your help

Ken Bodden. 780-237-8327


For all new members, please park in designated parking area up by the shelter.
Also please try and load boats on trailers at the launch, one lot over from the doc.
we would like to keep the doc area free from ruts. We are also working on filling the existing ruts with crush rock.
Feel free to email or call me with any questions.
Paul Lanteigne or 780.217.1906


If you keep a boat at the dock area at Spring Lake please ask for a boat sticker when you renew your membership. Even if you don’t leave your boat at the lake you can still request a sticker. They are totally free and serve a few different functions. Each is individually numbered so the club can reference which member belongs to which sticker and thus, which boat.

The stickers will allow us to identify which of the boats in the dock area are owned by current members. There are a number of boats which have not been used in a number of years and they only add to the clutter in that area.

Also it will be helpful in identifying non-members who are using club facilities.

Furthermore, it adds another level of security to your boat since each sticker is unique and if there are any problems at the lake with the boats we can contact the owners easily.

Please place the sticker on the side of the boat below the gunwales so it is visible on or off the water.

If you have a boat stored at the lake and it has not been used for some time please consider moving it or selling it so we can reduce the amount of items on site.

Attention all Trout club members

Well the ice is now off spring lake! We would like the remind all members to respect the property and take care not to damage boat launch! This launch area is best suited for cartop, pontoon boat, or SMALL ALUMINUM BOAT.

Call for volunteers:

Our club is 100% run by volunteers and continues through the support of members. With some board members completing their term we again have the opportunity for anyone interested in joining the team. The time commitment is low with our club executive meeting on average about once a month. You will be able to participate in shaping both operational and governance support with fellow executive members. For your service to our club members you wil recieve an honorarium of having your membership to both the ETFC and the AFGA paid as well as having fun. If you are thinking about this but have questions, to put your name forward or to recomend someone you feel may be interested please reach out to Ron Storrier at

May 4 Zoom meeting

Topic: ETFC Zoom mtg with guest speaker Sylvia D’Amelio
Time: May 4, 2021 07:30 PM Edmonton

May 18 Zoom meeting

Topic: ETFC Zoom mtg with guest speaker Stephen Spencer
Time: May 18, 2021 07:00 PM Edmonton