To all ETFC members
In these unprecedented times and government restrictions,I would like to update you on several ongoing issues regarding the ETFC.
The club exec will remain in place until the fall of 2020 , when new elections will occur and the club budget will be presented. The date for this will hopefully be are October meeting.
Existing arrangements for club membership will remain as before. Membership forms and contact and be found on our website. The club has delayed changing of the gate lock at Spring Lake for the time being but will be done before summer.
The executive has moved forward on replacing the dock at Spring Lake . The installation awaits final arrangements with the supplier and possible government regulations. The club will be installing a floating dock. The executive moved forward on this because of government regulations , it’s doubtful we will have another meeting until fall. This would leave club members without a dock and increased difficulties enjoying the lake. The club and town regulations remain enforce at the lake.
The club will continue to be in contact with our members through email ,website and the newsletter. The executive hopes you are all well and look forward to seeing you at club events in the future and on the water.
Ron Storrier
If you keep a boat at the dock area at Spring Lake please ask for a boat sticker when you renew your membership. Even if you don’t leave your boat at the lake you can still request a sticker. They are totally free and serve a few different functions. Each is individually numbered so the club can reference which member belongs to which sticker and thus, which boat.
The stickers will allow us to identify which of the boats in the dock area are owned by current members. There are a number of boats which have not been used in a number of years and they only add to the clutter in that area.
Also it will be helpful in identifying non-members who are using club facilities.
Furthermore, it adds another level of security to your boat since each sticker is unique and if there are any problems at the lake with the boats we can contact the owners easily.
Please place the sticker on the side of the boat below the gunwales so it is visible on or off the water.
If you have a boat stored at the lake and it has not been used for some time please consider moving it or selling it so we can reduce the amount of items on site.